The Magic of Gardening for Beginners - Episode 1

Here we go! 
It feels like writing or talking about gardens without imagery is the same as those long winded perfume reviews in magazines that you can't smell! Boring and frustrating springs to mind! 

I'm not out to convert anyone to become a gardener, but I am determined to help bridge the big empty gap interested beginners will find looking for localised information and inspiration.  I waded around in that void for ages and wished I could connect with those that understood my plight! 
It felt obvious to me that sharing snippets of my personal discoveries and connecting my fellow "almost" gardeners with casual, relatable films of established NZ gardens was a great way to help boost enthusiasm for those that are curious.

While the always awkward and confronting idea of putting myself in front of the camera has been a challenge (I'm a kiwi after all), I have shoved it aside to work with my FAVOURITE film and production company; Flashworks Media to kick off this concept and, what I dearly hope, will be an ongoing series to get your creative juices flowing. 

The pilot below sets the scene by sharing all the ways I began to dip my toe into creating my own, urban secret garden in Christchurch.
I share the sources of real life inspiration plucked out of my immediate surroundings and offer tips on what you too can gain from casting your eye out, moving from looking at gardens simply as "life background" and instead, interesting creative spaces to evoke an emotional response.  

Less DIY and more "perhaps I could too", I sincerely hope you enjoy this initial step I've made to opening the gate on what gardening might become for you too.